
– a novel cytomegalovirus (CMV) vaccine candidate


Target: Not disclosed
Mode of action: Not disclosed

Target population

Organ transplant patients and/or Congenitally infected newborns


Research Collaboration with Evaxion Biotech A/S

ES2B-I002 is a collaboration between ExpreS2ion and Evaxion Biotech A/S. The collaboration combines ExpreS2ion’s ExpreS2 platform and resources for vaccine development and production with Evaxion’s artificial intelligence (AI) platform for vaccine candidate discovery and state-of-the-art preclinical models. The aim of the collaboration is to, before the end of 2025, develop a novel CMV lead vaccine candidate, which ExpreS2ion has the exclusive right to license under a potential Development and Commercialisation Agreement. The research costs and IP licensing for the collaboration project are divided 50/50 between the parties until 2025.

Why are we targeting CMV?

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a member of the herpesvirus family, and it is a very common infection, with half of the US population being infected by the age of 40. The virus is transmitted in body fluids, and once infected, the virus stays for life. In a healthy person, the body’s immune system is able to control the viral infection. People with weakened immune systems, including organ transplant patients, can develop severe symptoms affecting, for example, eyes, lungs, and liver, and congenitally infected babies may suffer from intellectual disability and loss of vision and hearing. There is currently no marketed vaccine or cure against CMV.